Class Websites
Safa & Marwa`s academic programmes combine traditional academics and tried-and-true educational philosophies with modern research and tools. The school`s vision has been preparing our students of today for the challenges of tomorrow through individual attention. Our small class sizes help us facilitate the individualized attention each student needs to build a strong academic and character foundation. Safa & Marwa strives for educational excellence through a balance of academics, character developments, physical education, and technology that lead to independent, well-rounded citizens. Students are guided throughout the programme to think critically and act upon Islamic values. Through our nurturing well-qualified staff, our students are educated at their instructional level and beyond.
Safa & Marwa prides itself on delivering a rigorous academic program. Our classes are organized into six divisions: Preschool, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Secondary. All programmes at the school are designed to be connected through curricular and themed learning. As a result, students who attend our school are thoroughly prepared for the upcoming grade level.
Click on any of the links below to view the academic programmes of each division.
For Teachers:
Teachers can click here to get an access to their PD session website.
Remember: You need your staff ID and password to access the site.